The Plastic Surgery Foundation
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Global Advancement for Academic Plastic Surgeons

The Global Advancement for Academic Plastic Surgeons (GAAPS) program is designed to strengthen the specialty worldwide by providing a mechanism for academic programs in the United States and Canada to engage in meaningful educational exchange and training opportunities with plastic surgery programs worldwide.

The program seeks to build international alliances among training programs with shared goals and common clinical and research interests. GAAPS is envisioned as a true bi-directional exchange between ASPS and its Global Partners to share expertise of plastic surgeons worldwide.

Domestically, GAAPS offers opportunities to academic centers, which value international relationships but may not have the means to offer or administer an exchange program for a plastic surgery division or department.

Recognizing the importance of maintaining excellence in plastic surgery residency programs – and that 15 percent of ASPS members practice in academic settings – GAAPS enhances membership value to both international and domestic training programs. Global alliances forged among training programs enrich the overall academic environment while exchange of ideas and clinical knowledge through research and education collaboration benefit the specialty worldwide.

Program Objective

GAAPS provides support for two physicians (a resident and program director) from each participating program to engage in an exchange visit to share knowledge and experiences.

Program Information

Program Guidelines

  • The GAAPS steering committee will review applications and pair programs based on goals, objectives and interests.
  • The PSF will provide a financial award to selected programs to supplement travel expenses for physician exchanges.
  • GAAPS funding is designed to supplement a visit of 7-10 days for each program.

Report Requirements

  • A one-page progress report will be due to The PSF.
  • A final report (including applicable receipts) is due after the visit has been completed.
  • The funds for the travel expenses will be reimbursed upon completion of both the exchange and final report.

If your training program is interested in learning more about the GAAPS program, please contact:

Madisyn Boelk