The Plastic Surgery Foundation
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PSF-Directed Research Grant
Breast Implant Safety


Studies designed to assess breast implant safety, including local and systemic complications and illnesses related to breast implants, will be considered. Proposals that examine implant surveillance techniques and imaging are also invited. Basic, translational and clinical research studies are all within scope. Project duration may be up to two years. Applications will be evaluated based upon the importance of the study question, soundness of study design, demonstration of study feasibility through preliminary/pilot data, the quality of the investigator team and use of appropriate statistical and analytic methods.


"The PSF Grant Writing Workshop and later PSF grant I received were instrumental in gaining knowledge, and I have recently been awarded an NIH grant."

Mithun Sinha, PhD
Indiana University
2021 PSF-Directed Research Grant Recipient

Amount & Duration

Up to $50,000 for projects up to 2 years


The 2025 PSF research grant cycle is NOW CLOSED.

The application deadline was December 2, 2024.
