The Plastic Surgery Foundation
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Combined Pilot Research Grants


The PSF, along with the AAHS, AAPPS, AAPS, ACEPS, ASMS, ASPN, ASRM, CSPS and PSRC, recognizes the importance of promoting innovative research in hand surgery, academic plastic surgery related to research, peripheral nerve research, microsurgery and stimulating fundamental research in plastic surgery. Together, these subspecialty organizations are dedicated to fostering the development of surgeon scientists and are committed to increasing the amount of research dollars, in order to fund pilot research studies that set the stage for investigators to apply to larger funding agencies.


"The support from The PSF has been a tremendous icebreaker for our plastic surgery run burn center to start tackling big questions surrounding decisional regret and satisfaction with scar surgery. We are very grateful for The PSF to energize our research team and help our patients."

– Clifford Sheckter, MD
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
2023 AAPS/PSF Combined Pilot Research Grant Recipient

"I am grateful to The PSF for their support for an innovative basic science project studying lymphatic function. This grant allowed for the groundwork to be laid for a long line of research in this area and also a platform for mentoring residents and students in numerous projects. We are hopeful that this may ultimately lead to a greater understanding of a complex and poorly understood area in plastic surgery."

– Carolyn De La Cruz, MD
University of Pittsburgh
2023 ASRM/PSF Combined Pilot Research Grant Recipient

"The PSF Research Grant Award has allowed me to conduct a randomized controlled clinical trial as a new investigator. Without it, I would not have been able to have funding to perform the study. Coming from a smaller institution, I do not have the funding resources many do at other programs. Larger grants were not attainable without prior grant funding. The PSF Research Grant Award provided me the start to a career in academic medicine. I can't thank The PSF enough for the funding and more importantly, the financial opportunity to perform quality research as a new investigator."

– Kevin Klifto, DO, PharmD
University of Missouri
2023 AAHS/PSF Combined Pilot Research Grant Recipient

"Receiving The PSF grant has allowed me to pursue my research in microsurgery education, while gaining experience with grant writing, as well as designing and executing my own project. I am grateful to The PSF for the support, and I am looking forward to sharing our results!"

– Jesse Koljonen, MD
Southern Illinois University
2023 ACEPS/PSF Combined Pilot Research Grant Recipient

"The PSF/ASPN combined pilot and PSF fellowship grants have supported my research interest in developing a suitable neural interface for sensorimotor control of neuroprosthetic devices. Furthermore, these grants have allowed me to pursue my academic goals and strengthen my CV as a young surgeon scientist."

– Widya Adidharma, MD
University of Michigan
2021 ASPN/PSF Combined Pilot Research Grant Recipient

"This award helped our interdisciplinary group advance a promising technology very quickly, and we are now much closer to readiness for human clinical translation and clinical impact."

– Mitchell Pet, MD
Washington University in St. Louis
2021 ASRM/PSF Combined Pilot Research Grant Recipient

Amount & Duration

Up to $15,000 for 1-year pilot projects

Download Guidelines

Guidelines Coming Soon

  • ASMS/PSF Combined Pilot Research Grant


The 2025 PSF research grant cycle is NOW OPEN.

Online Application

The application deadline is December 2, 2024.
