The Plastic Surgery Foundation
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Grants We Funded

Grant applicants for the 2023 cycle requested a total of nearly $4 million dollars. The PSF Study Section Subcommittees of Basic & Translational Research and Clinical Research evaluated nearly 140 grant applications on the following topics:

The PSF awarded research grants totaling over $1 million dollars to support nearly 30 plastic surgery research proposals.

ASPS/PSF leadership is committed to continuing to provide high levels of investigator-initiated research support to ensure that plastic surgeons have the needed research resources to be pioneers and innovators in advancing the practice of medicine.

Research Abstracts

Search The PSF database to have easy access to full-text grant abstracts from past PSF-funded research projects 2003 to present. All abstracts are the work of the Principal Investigators and were retrieved from their PSF grant applications. Several different filters may be applied to locate abstracts specific to a particular focus area or PSF funding mechanism.

The Role of Notch Signaling in Adipocyte Derived Stem Cells

Principal Investigator
Christopher Chambers PhD


Southern Illinois University

Funding Mechanism
Basic Research Grant

Focus Area
General Reconstructive

Notch signaling regulates adult adipocyte derived stem cell fate decisions and restricts osteoblast differentiation of these cells. Specific Aim 1: To determine the effect of notch signaling on adipocyte derived adult stem cell proliferation and osteoblast differentiation potential. Reconstructive surgery using engineered tissue constructs is a rapidly growing therapeutic field. Adipose-derived adult stem cells (ADSCs) have been touted as an easily accessible, readily expandable, multipotential cell population that could serve as one of the key components to a successful tissue engineering strategy. ADSCs can be induced in culture to differentiate, under specific culture conditions, into adipogenic, osteogenic, chondrogenic, myogenic, endothelial and neural lineages. However, the mechanism(s) regulating the maintenance of this cell population in vivo is not known. Many investigators, including us, are interested in using this population in bone reconstruction procedures and the mechanisms regulating the osteogenic potential of ADSCs is similarly poorly defined. The Notch signaling pathway is an attractive target for regulating both the stem cell maintenance in the adult and cell fate decisions of the uncommitted progenitors. Therefore, the goal of this study is to begin to elucidate the role of Notch signaling on ADSCs in vivo and in vitro. Understanding how this cell population is regulated may allow the development of strategies that allow for increasing the expansion, osteogenic, and in vivo recruitment potential of ADSCs to aid in tissue engineering and endogenous repair mechanisms.